The Jordan Journal of Earth and Environmental Sciences

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JJEES Volume 5

Complete Journal

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Number 1

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Editorial Preface

Contents  Number  1

Geochemical evaluation of groundwater quality in Abakaliki area, Southeast Nigeria

Celestine O. Okogbue and Stephen N. Ukpai


Evaluation of the Potential use of Municipal Solid Waste for Recovery Options: A Case of Ma’an City, Jordan
Aiman Jaradat and Omar Al-khashman

 Charcoal Remains from the Mukheiris Formation of Jordan – the First Evidence of Palaeowildfire from the Anisian (Middle Triassic) of Gondwana
Abdalla Abu Hamad, André Jasper and Dieter Uhl

Cenomanian ammonites of the Shuayb Formation, Jordan
Fayez Ahmad, Ricardo Barragán, Ottilia Szives and Francisco Vega-Vera

Deformed Fossils and Related Structures in Jordan
Ikhlas Khalaf Al-Hejoj, Elias Salameh and Abdallah Abu Hamad


         Contents  Number  2

Dissolution Cavities of Karren type in the Algal Limestone Member of Al Bayda Formation, Sector (3), Wadi Az Zad, Al Jabal Al Akhdar , NE Libya

Omar B. Elfigih and Mohamed Y. Elgheriani


A Preliminary Assessment of Soil Pollution in Some Parts of Jalingo Metropolis, Nigeria Using Magnetic Susceptibility Method.
Kanu, Maxwell O., M.Sc., Meludu, Osita C., PhD and Oniku, S. A.,PhD

Geoelectrical and Hydrogeochemical Assessment of the Groundwater Potentials of Ehandiagu, Enugu State, Southeastern Nigeria
O.S. Onwuka1, A.C.Ekwe and Adimonye, O.J

Fracture systems and dissolution cavities in Wadi As Sir Formation, Thughrat Asfour area, Jordan
Abdullah Ali Diabat

Tectonic Geomorphology of Alluvial Fans east of the Wadi Araba Fault (Dead Sea Transform), Jordan
Walid A. Saqqa and Mohammed Y. Atallah



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