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JJEES Volume 16

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Number 1

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Contents Number 1



Examining Land Use/Land Cover Dynamics in Zarqa Governorate Major Districts: Implications for Urban and Environmental Sustainability

Shereen A. Abusmier and Salman D. Al-Kofahi


Geographic Distribution of the b-value in north Morocco and its Surrounding for Seismic Zones Identification

Abderrahim Boulanouar, Amin Khalil, Jamal Sebbani, Anas El Ouali, Abdelaali Rahmouni


Reservoir Evaluation and Improving Zonation into Flow Units Using the GHE Method, Abu El Gharadig Field, North Western Desert, Egypt

Osama M. Elnaggar and Tamer E. Hamed


Flood Hazard Mapping from Dam Break: A Case Study of King Talal Dam

Radwan Al-Weshah, Murad Al-Salahat, Saif Al-Omari


Cloud-based Rainfall-run-off Model for Assessment of Long-Term Rainfall Variability and Trends Using Google Earth Engine

D.Vetrithangam, B. Arunadevi, Naresh Kumar Pegada, Sukhpreet Kaur, B. KrishnaPrasad


Assessment of Groundwater Quality for Irrigation and Drinking Using Water Quality Indexes in the Upper Sebaou Valley (Tizi Ouzou-eastern Algeria)

Agrouche Sabrina, Mansouri Zineb, Reghais Azzeddine, Kardache Ramdane, Dinar Haythem, Abdelkader Laafer


Environmental Governance in Jordan: Addressing Legislative Gaps, Preserving Natural Heritage, and Aligning with Global Climate Commitments

Mahmoud Abu-Allaban and Safeia Hamasha


Modeling Recharge Rates of Stormwater Ponds into the Vadose Zone: A Case Study in a Semi-Arid Region

Tamer Eshtawi


Morphometry and Paleoenvironment of Pebbles from the Agbani Sandstone, southeast Nigeria

Henry Yemagu Madukwe, Adeyinka Oluyemi Aturamu, Amos Oluwafemi Ilori


Time-Series Analysis for Forecasting Climate Parameters of Kashmir Valley Using ARIMA and Seasonal ARIMA Model

Khalid Hussain, Fahad Farooq J., Mir Salim N., Sheikh Umar Farooq, and Insha Altaf


The Relative Impact of Urbanization Expansion and Climate Change on Flood Hazard in Amman City

Ibrahim M. Oroud

Contents Number 2



Heavy Metals Accumulation in the Agricultural Soils around the Limestone-Mining Area of Gunungkidul Regency, Indonesia

Andrea Sumarah Asih1, Akhmad Zamroni, Haris Nur Eka Prasetya, Ronnel C. Nolos, Hill Gendoet Hartono, Alan Prahutama, and Roel F. Ceballos


Age, Geochemistry, and Petrogenetic Constraints on Ediacaran Granitoids, Southwest Jordan

Reema Moshtaha, Rolf Romer, and Ghaleb H. Jarrar


Assessing the Land Use/Land Cover and Climatic Changes Impacts on Static Groundwater Level: A Study of Quetta, Pakistan

Malik Muhammad Akhtar, Tanzeel khan, Abdul Rehman Khan, Rabia Akhtar, Danish Raza


Evaluation of Organic Pollution Using Palmer's Algal Pollution Index in Ami River, Gorakhpur, (Uttar Pradesh) India

Sarwat Jahan and Ajay Singh


Residents' Perception of Household and Similar Waste Management Practices in Coastal Localities (Dairas) of Annaba District (Wilaya): Annaba, El Bouni and Chétaibi (North-East Algeria)

Amine Bey Djebar , Rafik Kebbab, Kaouther Lebdjiri, Rachid Amara, Hassen Touati and Hocine Frihi


Geological Structures Assessment in Wadi Hagul, Northwestern Gulf of Suez, Egypt, Using Gravity and Magnetic Techniques

Mahmoud S. Etman1, Abdel-Monem S. Mohamed, Salah Saleh1, Sayed A. Mohamed and Karrar O. Fergawy


Integrating Optical and SAR Sentinel Data for Improved Land Cover Mapping in Northeastern Region of Pakistan

Iftikhar Ahmad Khan and Junaid Aziz Khan


Effect of Bushfire on Soil Physicochemical Properties in Rubber (Hevea Brasiliensis) Plantations of Tropical Nigeria

Paul Orobosa Orobator


Groundwater Recharge Estimation and Salinity Risk in Magra Plain (Algeria)

Abdelmadjid Boufekane, Djamel Maizi, Gianluigi Busico, Mohamed Meddi


Geomagnetic Storms: Their Occurrence and Relationship with Solar Activities during the Solar Cycles 23-24

Emad M. H. Takla, Ahmed A. Khashaba and A. Abdelkader


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